Monday, August 07, 2006

Fight the Real Enemy

Star Parker's latest article is about Mel Gibson's recent outburst which she ties back to Trent Lott's unfortunate comments. She sums up her reaction in her final paragraph.
Whether it's Mel Gibson or Trent Lott, let's not allow one individual's shortcomings and personal problems to divert our attention from where the real villains and problems of our society, and in the world, reside.
I think I might be able to make that more explicit.
Whether it's Mel Gibson or Trent Lott, let's not allow a fellow conservative's shortcomings and personal problems to divert our attention from where the real villains and problems of our society, and in the world, reside, namely liberalism, secularism, and Islamo-fascism.
Of course I could be wrong. But given that she moves from Gibson to the real anti-Semites (Europeans and Hollywood), I feel pretty comfortable in my assessment.

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