Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Your Weekly Rush

OK, listening to Rush today as I'm driving back from lunch (where I had home-made potato Salad), and he put forward this argument.

If we were a racist society we would not seek to install programs such as the University of Michigan's affirmative action program. The very existence of such programs prove that we as a society are not racist. Hence such programs as the University of Michigan's affirmative action program are totally unnecessary.

Did you follow that?

Dr. Limbaugh then went on to suggest that the existence of medicine and doctors proved that we knew how to make people healthy, and since we have the ability to make people healthy, doctors and medicine are really unnecessary.

Rush then took a call from John, a 35 year old pilot, who happened to be in the air at that time. He commented that since he clearly had the ability to fly his wings were at this point probably unnecessary. After all wings allow a plane to fly, but he already was flying. So he pressed a button that unhooked his wings from his plane. Rush then went to commercial.

There was one telling Freudian slip on Rush's discussion of the Supreme Court Decision yesterday. Rush stated, "This conservative Republican administration didn't make a strong constitutional argument for abolishing this case of clear-cut discrimination - of transferring bigotry from one group [i.e. blacks] to another[i.e. whites], even though the individuals who suffer may have had nothing to do with past discrimination. "

You see Rush is comfortable with bigotry against Blacks, but doesn't want to see poor White kids afflicted by it. I'll be charitable and assume that Rush didn't mean it, and would oppose bigotry anywhere it raised its head, but it is still telling.

Just so you know the bits about the doctors and the pilot were made up. But the quote on racism is real.

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