Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Slow News Day

There are two big stories right now in the political world. One is that we may or may not find Weapons of Mass Destruction, and what are the ramifications of either outcome. I already wrote on that this morning, but you might also want to check out Debra Saunder's latest article, in which she suggests that the fact that we haven't found the weapons of mass destruction will help President Bush win reelection. Apparently we Americans are too smart to believe that Presisdent Bush just overstated his case when trying to sell the war--we really believe that those Weapons of Mass Destruction have been moved into Iran or Syria (depending on who we want to invade next), and our fear of them will cause us to support President Bush even more. However, all of these articles, as interesting as they are, have one flaw--we don't know yet for sure what the answer is. It's still a bit early to declare that the weapons won't be found.

The other big story is the veracity of Ms. Hillary Clinton's memoirs. I cannot begin to express to you how little this story interests me. Anyway Conservatives continue to write staggeringly vicious attacks on Ms. Clinton. The entire book is assumed to be lies, and an attempt by the Clintons to knock the legs out from any liberal candidates in order for Ms. Clinton to run in 2008. At any rate, it's just dull to me. If you have any suggestions for an interesting idea or political theory or writing I could take on, please e-mail them here.

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