Wednesday, June 18, 2003

My Secret Life as a Non-Hillary Hater

Interesting article by the conservative writer Linda Chavez in which she admits that she doesn't hate Hillary Clinton. I'll pause a moment while you try to get your heads around the idea of a conservative not hating Hillary.

At first I was skeptical myself, figuring it was some kind of rhetorical trick. But then I got to her last few paragraphs (where one would expect the old switcharoo to take place). Instead I found this;

Frankly, I've often thought that conservatives might be partly responsible for Hillary's success. Conservatives and liberals are locked in a weird, symbiotic dance with Hillary. By demonizing her, we've elevated her importance and encouraged liberals to rally around her. And there is no question that all the vituperative attacks on her book have increased sales.

In truth, Hillary Clinton hasn't been nearly the wild-eyed radical some predicted she'd be if elected senator. From a policy standpoint, I doubt she'd be a worse president than John Kerry or Howard Dean or John Edwards, or any of the other Democrats running.

Ms. Chavez's comments have the virtue of being largely true, but still it is gratifying to see.

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