Thursday, June 26, 2003

The Memory Hole

"Trapped on the other side of the country aboard Air Force One, the President has lost his cool: "If some tinhorn terrorist wants me, tell him to come and get me! I'll be at home! Waiting for the bastard!"

His Secret Service chief seems taken aback. "But Mr. President . . ."

The President brusquely interrupts him. "Try Commander-in-Chief. Whose present command is: Take the President home!"

This is from a forthcoming fall movie by Showtime, being made by Dufferin Gate Productions, Toranto Canada. It purports to be an insider look at the events of September 11th, and I believe I've mentioned it before.

I wonder if they will include the scene where President Bush is told that a second jet has flown into the World Trade Center and sits in a classroom with children for another 5 minutes, thus endangering himself and the children. Five minutes were caught on tape and are being presented at The Memory Hole.

To see the footage, click here. You will need quicktime to view it.

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