Friday, June 13, 2003

The Earned Income Tax Credit

Interesting article by Bruce Bartlett today on the Earned Income Credit Tax Credit, and the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Tax Credit. He admits that the original purpose of the tax credit was to, as he puts it, "reinforce work incentives and help get people off welfare." Sounds like a worthy goal to me.

However there is a downside. Some people apparently aren't paying taxes at all. As Bartlett puts it, "Those with earnings below $10,000 pay no income taxes and get a check from the government for 2.6 times their payroll tax liability." Those lucky $10,000.00 a year making jerks. I wish I were only making $10,000.00 and had several kids to support. Then I'd have to pay no taxes (except sales tax, of course. And pay roll taxes). That would be wonderful.

What's also nice is the gloating tone about how all these lucky duckies don't bother to vote. So people who do pay taxes have voted in Republicans in order to shift the tax burden back to people making $10,000 a year.

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