Monday, June 09, 2003


Good news, music fans. According to Suzanne Fields, the failure of Madonna's latest album and the success of Diana Krall, proves that we are turning away from all this new fangled kind of rock music and getting back to the classics.

"Each generation searches for its own voice in popular music, but maybe we're finally passing through a particularly degrading time, when both lyrics and rhythms articulated anger rather than love. Maybe we want to be touched with a little tenderness again. Maybe nihilism and narcissism have finally reached the dead end they deserve."

Well we'll have to wait to see if the next Eminem album to see if we've really rejected nihilism. And does Ms. Fields really think that pop stars will ever reject Narcissism?

In other music news, Radiohead's "Hail to the Thief" comes out tomorrow. Something to look forward to.

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