Saturday, June 14, 2003

This just in; Hillary Clinton is a Liar

From what I've read about the book and seen of her interviews I know she is still peddling the whopper that she was shocked to find that Bill had broken his marital vows.
David Limbuagh

Miss Hillary recounts my favorite of her lies when she tells of how she told her lawyer in August 1998, when he warned her that there may be something to this Monica business: "My husband may have his faults, but he has never lied to me." . . .

After all, her statement is about as plausible as saying Adolph Hitler may have had his faults, but he always loved and admired Jewish people. "Bill Clinton never lied to me" is one of those statements that polygraph operators could use as a benchmark of a certain lie.

Tony Blankley

That's one interesting set of quotes--and there are other examples. Hillary claims she believed her husband when he told her he wasn't having an affair, and any one looking at the situation would know that she was totally lying. Because woman who's husbands' cheat on them never live in a place of denial. She's clearly lying.

Here's another common trope in conservative reviews of the book;

I haven't actually read her book yet (I may spend money like water, but I have my limits). - Tony Blankley

As for Hillary and her book, I doubt I'll read it. - David Limbaugh

I haven't read her book but, like a lot of other women (and men), I've read the excerpts and watched the interviews. - Suzanne Fields

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