Wednesday, June 25, 2003

The Benefits of Affirmative Action

Ben Shapiro, boy prognosticator, writes today on the value of Affirmative Action and how it has benefited him personally. ". . . once you're in, diversity programs are wonderful. Huge numbers of unqualified students walk into lecture each day. They struggle with the material. They ask ignorant questions. They stagger through assigned readings and then realize they've assimilated nothing. It makes the rest of us look like geniuses. For those who are qualified, diversity programs are a bonanza. Didn't study for a big test? No big deal -- those unqualified diversity admittees will certainly help the curve."

So I guess in Ben's experience, only Black and Hispanic students fail to do the reading. Fail to understand the questions. Ask ignorant questions. It is only the Black and Hispanic students who act like they don't give a damn about being educated.

Oh and apparently if you happen to see a white kid who doesn't care, that's because he knows that the Black and Hispanic kids will knock the curve down so that it doesn't matter.

I have to say this doesn't jibe with my personal experience. I worked as a grad student, grading papers in a number of classes, and there were days when it seemed to me that all the students were morons who didn't belong in college. But I never noticed any racial trends in idiocy. And if you want to talk about students who don't give a damn, nothing beats a white middle class girl who's daddy is paying for the classes. But possibly things are different out where young Ben is going to school.

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