Thursday, June 12, 2003

The Pam President

It turns out that President Bush is invulnerable to scandal, according to Ben Shapiro, Boy Prognosticator. The stolen election, Enron, the flight to the USS Abraham Lincoln; President Bush has survived them all. As Shapiro puts it, "He might as well be called the Pam President. You can fry him, you can grill him, but nothing will stick to him." For those who don't know what Pam is, it's a "Non-Stick cooking spray."

Yep. The Pam president. You see when you cover your frying pan with Pam, it is briefly resistant to having food stick to it. And it looks shiny. And if you touch it, it feels oily. And it eventually wears off. You see Pam isn't part of the frying pan--it's just a temporary surface. All it takes is a little water and a little soap and the protection washes right off.

Come to think of it, I'm not exactly sure that young Ben really meant to call President Bush the Pam President.

But then again, we live in an age of lowered expectations. Where once the Republicans fielded a Teflon President, I guess we need to settle now for Pam.

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