Friday, February 04, 2005

Round the Horn and Out of the Blue

Here's another set of tasty omelets for you to enjoy (yeah I'm running out of metaphors).

To start off we have a delicious article on Ann Coulter from Republican Sinners, a blog that joined the Liberal Coalition some time ago (apparently), but I missed them. So we apologize, and encourage you to all go over and pay them a visit.

Edwardpig has some good comments on the Birth Tax, smothered in gravy and served with a side of flapjacks.

Happy Furry Puppy Story time has a story on the legal troubles of members of washed up bands. Is it coincidental that I'm listening to Jesus Jones as I type this? Yes it is.

I miss Respectful of Otters, but I guess it is on hiatus.

Ricks Cafe Americaine has confirmation that unemployed Germans can be forced into a life of prostitution. I heard this story earlier this week and openly doubted it, but it turns out I was wrong. To those who were involved I would like to say I'm sorry, but a commentator is not allowed to show weakness so instead I'm going to pretend I believed in the welfare hooker story the whole time.

T. Rex's Guide to Life has a well done review of the State of the Union, pretty much the whole thing, which shows a greater intestinal fortitude than I possess.

First Draft has a review of Scott McClellan's latest press conference on behalf of the President.

Words on a Page has some reactions to the nomination of Alberto Gonzales to Attorney General, and it's depressing.

The Yellow Doggeral Democrat also has comments on the Alberto Gonzales situation, focusing on the failure of Democrats to stand up to the Bush White House.

And that's it for this week. Be back later on with Down in the Subway and probably some other posts as well.

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