Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Low Posting and Ann Coulter

Haven't been able to get on Blogger this afternoon. So haven't updated this blog.

But for those who are interested in such things, a reading of Ann Coulters book indicates that she believes Jews to be Christians, but isn't sure about Episcopalians.

Let's look at an Amazon Review from John Steinbeck.
Read the book.

So typical for liberal bedwetters to lie and say they bought the book and read it.

They didn't.

Read the book.

Ann proves how Godless and evil the liberal bedwetters are.

Read the book if you have any sense.
Bedwetter eh? Yeah I can see why Conservatism considers itself the party of ideas.

Here's a delightful review by T. McConnaughy Jr.
I have not read this book yet but judging from many reviews of those who don't like what Ann says, tells me it is probably a book worth checking out. It certainly has hit another nerve. I know of another book called the Bible, which gets similar reactions of hatred towards its contents.
Ann Coulter's "Godless"? The Bible? Hard to tell them apart really.

Of course there are a few dissenting opinions, like this one from Aenima
In her book Godless, Ann Coulter takes what sounds like the ill-tempered blustering of a barroom drunk and offers it as serious political commentary. But she's no barroom drunk. At least the barroom drunk would be embarrassed the next day and apologize for such remarks.
I am considering purchasing Ann Coulter's book, and doing a review of it. I am going to be on the road off and on for the next couple of weeks, and it might be entertaining to tear it apart. What do you think?

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