Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dennis Prager's latest article takes on the Moral Basis of Taxation. It starts promisingly, acknowledging that Liberal support for higher taxes has its basis in morality, and defending that position. But it falls down nearly immediately by stating that moral principle is simple unfairness.
Left-wing spokesmen, such as New York Times economics columnist and Princeton University professor of economics Paul Krugman, may offer economic arguments for raising taxes in order to lower government deficits, but their real motivations are moral: reducing economic inequality (by redistributing income) and expanding government (because government is the most effective way to help all citizens).
Very simplistic, but then Prager doesn't even really deal with those issues. Instead he offers up five or six problems with the concept of an income tax (presumably he is a fair tax proponent). He is opposed to progressive taxation and doesn't think people who don't pay income tax should get an equal vote (carefully excluding Payroll Taxes and Sales Taxes which almost everybody pays).

My moral argument in favor of an adequate level of taxation is this; it's immoral to let the government fail and it is immoral to shove off onto our children the burden of our own government. If you think the Government should do less, fair enough, lets have that talk. But lets not just throw everything on the nation's Credit Card and hope for the best.

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