Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Your Weekly Rush

What with my exciting weekend plans (involving Monkeys, Coconuts, and a bottle of French's Mustard), I never got around to your weekly Rush--so here it is.

I guess it's not surprising that Rush Limbaugh has no use for Ancient Iraqi artifacts. He has no use for any culture, really. I mean he has no use for any Culture outside the United States, and, truth to tell, not much use for much of American Culture.

What drives me nuts is not that he doesn't care about other cultures. Everybody has different interests. Instead, what gets me is his disdain for those people, such as myself, who would go to a museum, who would enjoy travelling abroad, who value art and history and literature. People who enjoy those sorts of things are unreliable, in his experience, and therefore the enjoyment of those things must be disdained.

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