Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Blame the Victim

This is the subject of a new article at Commondreams. Apparently Ira Chernus is upset that the American Media does not portray the American army as vicious predators, seeking to destroy Iraq. There is a stench of dishonesty in Chernus's writing. He equates American actions, designed to minimize civilian casualties with Iraqi casualties designed to maximize civilian casualties. He also assumes that Iraqi citizens are better off living under Saddam Hussein than under whatever emerges from this action.

I can't agree with either assessment. While I disagree with many of the steps that have brought us to this current war, we are in it now. We are fighting to minimize civilian casualties, and while there will be stumblings towards a free Iraq, it is every American's duty to see that we do not falter or give up along the way.

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