Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Government put on New Footing

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. has a bone to pick with much of the world. You see instead of standing firmly behind the President's plan to blow the hell out of Iraq, much of the world stood against that plan. So now that the time has come (well, is coming relatively soon) for Iraq to be divvied up, well, Gaffney would like to see it run by that part of the government most loyal to the president, the Department of Defense.

He states, "There will, of course, be room for UN organizations to help with humanitarian relief, medical assistance, food distribution, etc., just as there will be appropriate advisory roles for State Department specialists and experts drawn from other U.S. agencies. But the authority for making the proverbial trains run on time and the wherewithal for doing so should be reposed in the one organization that has demonstrated the ability to get done the job assigned it by the President: the Department of Defense."

And it's about time. But why stop there? What did the Department of Education do to prosecute the war? Nothing. In fact there were reports of literally hundreds of teachers attacking the war from the classroom. Oh wait a second, instead of hundreds I should have written a half dozen. At any rate, it's time to teach those nogoodnik teachers a lesson by placing America's entire educational system under the Department of Defense.

And consider this chilling fact. All through this war, those Anti War protestors have been using America's highway system to drive to and from their protests. Potential terrorists could be using our highway transportation system right now! What has the Department of Transportation done? Nothing. So obviously we should bring the Department of Transportation under Department of Defense control as well.

After all, if the Department of Defense is good at one thing, they must naturally be good at other things.

Ooops. Looks like President Bush might not be on the same page as Mr. Gaffney. President Bush stated, ``Rebuilding of Iraq will require the support and expertise of the international community. We are committed to working with international institutions, including the United Nations, which will have a vital role to play in this task."

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