Friday, April 04, 2003

Good Commentary

I know today I'm sort of being more of a praiser than a ripper, but there is an interesting commentary at the Daily Kos, that brought something to my attention that hadn't been there before.
I've been watching, increasingly disturbingly, how Donald Rumsfeld keeps making foreign policy pronouncements: Syria's next, Iran better watch it, we'll only accept an unconditional surrender.

Excuse me, but isn't that the President's job? Rumsfeld is detested outside of the US. Even the Brits can't stand him, but every day he's making decisions I had foolishly been taught was the President's domain. Now, I'm not a political scientist, I studied history in college, but I can't for the life of me remember any Secretary of War or Defense who ever made such statements while the President was, oh, alive.

I didn't know that all treatymaking and warmaking authority was in the hands of the Secretary of Defense.

Well worth checking out.

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