Tuesday, April 22, 2003

A Simplification

Dennis Prager, seeking to simplify all our lives, made the following comment. "So the next time you see "artists for" or "artists against" some cause, without reading any further, you can pretty much bet your mortgage that whatever it is they are for or against, they are morally wrong."

Doesn't that make life easier? No need to listen to Martin Sheen or Janeane Garofalo or Charlton Heston or so on.

Oh wait a second, I've just been handed a correction. Apparently if an artist is expressing Conservative political views or positions, than that artist is morally correct, and can be trusted. Ah. So if an artist is expressing liberal views, he or she is 100% wrong, but if an artist expresses conservative views, he or she is trustworthy.

Isn't that simple?

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