. . . I think you'd be getting closer to the truth if you put it this way: The atmosphere of Kerry's mind is rationalistic. He thinks about how to get things done. He talks like a manager or an engineer.I'm not sure what kind of personal or national character President Bush has espoused, but I get the feeling it has something to do with voting for him. At any rate Brooks argument kind of reminds me of the following Dilbert comic strip.
The atmosphere of Bush's mind is more creedal or ethical. He talks about moral challenges. He talks about the sort of personal and national character we need in order to triumph over our enemies. His mind is less coldly secular than Kerry's, but also more abstracted from day-to-day reality.

Dilbert is perhaps a little too harsh, but at this point we've seen how effective President Bush's brand of decision making is; and I am definitely ready for a change.
Incidently, David Brooks does grossly oversimplify in his analysis of the two men; but that's sort of his stock in trade.
Ok it was from the past. And now, how do you think about the current US presidential leadership? Many says that the leadership of Barack Obama is not different than Bush..
Now is 2011. Barrack Obama is our president. What do you think about the way he lead America? I mean, compare to Bush, which one is better. I want to hear your opinion.
Obamas errors, and there are many, are those of timidity. He has basically continued the Bush war on terror, with it's attendant civil liberties violations intact. Most of his domestic agenda has been hamstrung by his theory that if he worked with the Republicans and powerful lobbyists he could affect real change. Of course the Conservatives are dedicated to seeing him out of office, so this strategy isn't that successful.
All of that said, Obama is at least trying to stand up for an America I believe in, as opposed to Bush who was doing what he could, somewhat more effectively, to make the country worse (from my perspective) so I generally still prefer Obama to Bush.
I am a simple man, assume that Pre.Bush tried to build his own picture with victories in wars, while Barrack Obama minds American peoples. U.S is not in a war with Libya as alleged to be.
I agree to what Bryant said. I also prefer Obama than Bush. I mean, there are many efforts of Obama in making this country more better. Like, recently, he build homes for the victims of Katrina disaster. And I think this is great.
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