Wednesday, October 06, 2004

True Words

These are from a New York Times editorial published today on the Vice Presidential Debates.

"Like the presidential foreign policy debate that preceded it, the clash of the vice-presidential candidates was 90 minutes of serious talk about the issues."

I could be wrong, but it just seems like those words might have been prepared before the debate.

Early analysis of the Vice Presidential debate suggests that it was boring, and that neither candidate did particularly well or particularly bad. The debate was particularly vicious yet somehow yawn-inducing.

MSNBC online poll has Edwards winning by 63%. Take it for what it's worth.

I think, from what I saw, that it was a draw. Edwards did ok, but not great. Cheney kept his dark side pretty well under check. I don't think it's going to upset the momentum of this race very much (not like the first debate).

I also discovered that the debate remained dull even if you turned down the sound and put on Radiohead. It did get more interesting if you left the sound up but switched the video feed to Baywatch. But kind of hard to follow.

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