Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Your Tax Dollars at Work

For those interested in reading Rush Limbaugh's interview with Dick Cheney, you can view it at the White House Web Site that you helped pay for. Yep, at a website paid for with your tax dollars you can read an interview conducted by Rush Limbaugh (who is a skilled broadcaster but a terrible interviewer (basically for the same reason; he loves the sound of his own voice)).

Here's a good bit from El Rushbo, "No, I understand -- I understand. I just -- we see things in the paper, and it irritates supporters of the President who may not understand in a time like this where the administration is involved in a struggle for the future of the country to see some Republicans not totally on board that struggle puzzles people."

Read that outloud and see if it makes sense.

Anyway if you, like me, are frusterated at this misuse of government money, please send an e-mail to the white house and request your $0.000000004312 back.

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