Monday, March 15, 2004

My Idea for a Kerry Campaign Commercial.

Fade in on a group of Al-Queda Terrorists practicing something.

Voice over - "We are all afraid of Terrorist attacks, and we all recognize the need for a tough president to deal with them."

Camera switches to clip of John Kerry who says, "these guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group of people I've ever seen."

Voice over - "Tough Words Mr. Kerry. Let's look at how the Republicans respond."

Clips of various Republicans calling on Kerry to apologize.

Extra Smarmy Voice Over - "Oh my, it seems that Mr. Kerry's tough talk has upset these Republicans. They think he should apologize."

Switch back to Al Queda shots.

Voice over - "Remember these guys? They say some pretty hurtful things too, Mr. President. If you and your buddies are so scared of a little tough talk, how can we trust you to stand up for America?"

Switch back to Kerry, flexing and looking super tough.

Voice Over - "Vote for Kerry if you want someone tough. Vote Republican if you want a bunch of crybaby apology-askers."

There it is. I'll trust the Kerry campaign to compensate me fairly for my super brilliant idea.

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