Friday, March 12, 2004

Once 'Round the Horn

Good story from Archy on corruption in Texas. I particularly like the threat "You don't want to have the freakin' president of the United States mad at you for the rest of your life." Well yeah, but really, he's not going to be President the rest of his life. Is he?

Interesting discussion over at The Yellow Doggeral Democrat involving a sonic weapon recently deployed to Iraq.

In other news there are two new bloggers in the liberal coalition (which is kind of like the Superfriends, only with better parties. One of them is Bloggg. I don't know what the extra two g's stand for. Groovy Guy Perhaps? And he has an interesting article on Granny D, who if you don't know who she is, you should.

The other is called Musing's Musings which is very allitrative. He has a great explanation of why the Bush Attack Ads crumble in the face of reasson, which, unfortunately, does not make them unique in the history of Republican Attacks.

New World Blogger and Echidne of the Snakes both have well written and touching responses to the terrorist actions in Spain.

Pen-Elayne on the Web has comments on our wise and noble President's campaign stops. Turns out cheering crowds may occasionally not know what they are cheering for.

Words on a Page has uncovered a little tidbit on how President Bush's opinions have evolved since Law School. Like most evolution, his opinions will take hundreds of thousands of years before they evolve, apparently.

Respectful of Otters reports that Lauren Slater, who I had never heard of before, is a liar. The details are interesting though, as they involve behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner and uban legends.

Sooner Thought has an interesting article on how Republicans are controlling the terms of the debate by controlling the terms of the debate. Hmmmm. That could have been more clear. What I mean to say is that they are controlling the debate through controlling the language used.

Sometimes I worry that I'm over using the phrase "Interesting Article." But the feeling usually passes. More this afternoon. Maybe. Unless I get lazy.

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