Thursday, March 04, 2004

Via via via

This comes from Mercury X23's Fantabulous Blog who got it from Atrios who got it from The Los Angeles Times.

"I am a high school teacher and the daughter of Holocaust survivors. Monday morning, Period 1, a student, age 17, comes into my room. She asks me if I had seen the film "The Passion."

I answer, "No."

She continues, "It was so sad. I cried so much. I hate the Jews."

Very, very sadly, that tells the whole story, Mr. Gibson.

Anna Paikow

Los Angeles

Other comments

"What has been lost in the debate about the film and its alleged anti-Semitism - I've seen the movie, and there isn't any . . ." - Cal Thomas

"The other complaint from the know-nothing crowd is that "The Passion" will inspire anti-Semitic violence. If nothing else comes out of this movie, at least we finally have liberals on record opposing anti-Semitic violence. - Ann Coulter

"Is the film anti-Semitic? It didn't seem so to me, but after talking to friends, maybe I underrated some of the film's touches . . . " - John Leo

"The Anti-Defamation League's Abe Foxman has charged that the film may arouse anti-Semitic feelings because of its depiction of the role the High Priest Caiaphas and the Jewish crowds played in Christ's death. In my view, nothing in the film itself is anti-Jewish, but it does reflect -- accurately -- the Gospels' narrative about the role the Sanhedrin played in urging Jesus' persecution. The critics' quarrel is with the Gospels, not Gibson." - Linda Chavez

You can choose for yourself who you believe, but Miss Paikow seems believable to me.

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