Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Apparently I was wrong

Last week I posted a little story on an article by Dennis Prager that, I thought, equated Terrorists with those who support Same Sex Marriage.

Well apparently I wasn't the only one to come away from Mr. Prager's story with that impression, so this weeks article is about that article.

"So, for the record, I consider the great majority of supporters of same-sex marriage to be thoroughly decent people, and the great majority of supporters of Islamic terror to be loathsome.

But the fact that most supporters of same-sex marriage are thoroughly decent people with loving intentions, as opposed to supporters of Islamic terror who are filled with hate and love death, in no way denies my premise that both are waging war against Judeo-Christian civilization. And that was the subject of my article.

Any further insinuation that I morally equate the people who support same-sex marriage with those who engage in or support Muslim terror is either deliberate distortion or an indication of an inability to think critically.

That's convenient. He goes on, however, to divide the Pro Gay Marriage group into three groups. First you have the Secularist religion hating Liberals. Secondly, fuzzy headed dopes who have been duped by the first group with their talk of tolerance and fairness. Thirdly, Religious Liberals who are practically schizophrenic.

Of the religion hating liberals, he states, "They are animated by their fear and loathing of Bible-based Christians (and Jews) whom they regard as religious fanatics. Destroying the Judeo-Christian definition of marriage is one part of the secular Left's assault. Every vestige of Judeo-Christian America is targeted . . . " Hmmm. These sound like pretty bad guys. I wonder if Prager considers them part of the "vast majority" of Gay Marriage Supporters who are decent people? Or if he considers them the other part?

But for the record, nobody distorted you Mr. Prager. You knew how that article would read, and that's why you wrote it that way. You were clearly equating supporters of gay marriage and terrorists. You may not have consciously meant that (although that's hard to believe), and you certainly don't want people to think you meant that (which is understandable I guess). But that's what you were doing.

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