Thursday, March 25, 2004

Scientists Say : Ann Coulter is the Center of the Universe

Scientists at the Advanced Intellectual Mechanics lab have recently made a startling discovery; Ann Coulter is the center of the universe. More surprisingly, this world is but a figment of her imagination, a sort of game she is playing with herself.

What implications does this theory have in the field of political commentary? Well take this statement in her latest column, which concerns Richard Clarke. "As long as we're investigating everything, how about investigating why some loser no one has ever heard of is getting so much press coverage for yet another "tell-all" book attacking the Bush administration?"

Prior to this scientific discovery, I might have commented that it doesn't make Coulter look very good to assume that because she hadn't heard of Richard Clarke, he must be a "loser." But now I know that in fact he might very well not have existed before last week or the week before when he started appearing in the news. He might just be another delusionel villain that Ms. Coulter has imagined up to face her chosen champion, President Bush.

Thank you Science, for once again improving our lives.

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