Saturday, March 27, 2004

For those of you who think I make to many typos.

Allow me to point you to this story from MSNBC.COM

"In his book and agaun this week before the commission, Clarke accused the Bush administration of cutting off his access to senior officials, who he said did not consider terrorism to be an “urgent problem.” In contrast, he said, the Clinton administration gave the terrorist threat its “highest priority.”

Ha! And those MSNBC Pooftahs have a bunch of editors and what not to check up on what they do.

Incidently, the story refers to an attempt by Congressional Republicans to release private testimony from last year that they claim contradicts his current testimony and would therefore make him guilty of perjury. So they aren't going to call him a liar for what he said, but for a failure to be completely consistant. Whatever works, I guess.

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