Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Molly Ivin's Latest

I like Ms. Ivin as long time readers know. Her latest article concerns our efforts to rebuild Iraq and the recent forced vacation for President Aristide of Haiti. On Haiti she writes, "And now they've gone and whacked the hornets' nest in Haiti, and they're not even willing to deal with the hornets themselves. There are no plans for nation-building in Haiti -- even bad, inadequate planning, as there was in Iraq. Near as one can tell, the administration's only plan for a post-Aristide Haiti is to send the Coast Guard to prevent anyone from fleeing the place as it descends into anarchy. This will not improve our image around the world, and our image around the world does have something to do with the terrorism we are supposed to be fighting. "

Good thing we have these culture war issues to distract us from President Bush's foriegn policy.

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