Friday, August 05, 2005

Round the Horn. An Irwin J. McIckleson Production

Well I'm in a bad mood. I just did a cost analysis of my five largest factories and it turns out they are all working at peak efficiency. Do you realize what that means?

I can't fire anybody.

It's like when you have an itch on your rearward parts but you can't scratch because you are having tea with the King of Belgium. You just can't stop thinking about it.

Anyway maybe looking at these strange future blogs will sooth my troubled soul. Oh, and this is Irwin J. McIckleson, fictional 1910's plutocrat, for those who are not in the know.

Iddybud has
the news that Robert Novak, who is apparently connected to that roustabout Karl Rove, is not doing to well in his appearances in the TV Box. Apparently he stomped off the TV set when he was being asked questions he didn't like? See that's the advantage to the TV Box; in our day if two writers didn't agree with each other they would just have a duel but since it was secret, you wouldn't know about it.

a quote from a medical doctor, apparently some kind of phrenologist, who says that President Bush may not be able to understand death in any real way. Maybe he just pushes such thoughts out of his mind with drink after drink of Spiced Rum.

archy has
some discussion on the terms creationism and intelligent design as well as Darwin and his theory of evolution (although according to archy, it's not really his theory). Intelligent Design is apparently another word for creationism. It's really a bit surprising that you would still be debating this. The proof of Darwin's text is all around us. The strong prosper and the weak do not prosper.

The Gamer's Nook has some
very attractive pictures you can look at. I will say that you future people have developed the photographic art to a degree that we never imagined in my time.

Rick's Cafe Americaine has
a post on the difference between Liberal and Conservative Bloggers, in which he asks what the real differences are. I do know that people sometimes disagree with each other long after the point of disagreement has evaporated. People like disagreeing.

Sooner Thought presenting
two contrasting stories one about a little girl who threw a rock at some bullies and another about a gang of hoodlums who caused knife wounds to security guards at a baseball stadium. Apparently the girl spent time in a house of corrections and the men did not.

This does seem to speak to incorrect priorities on the part of you future people. Frankly the labor value of a little girl is next to none. Oh, they are good in the case of really big machines, in that they can sneak inside and unclog them, but in most cases grown men make much better workers. If you really want your houses of corrections to be turning out good products, you need to put the men in them, not little girls.

The Countess once again strikes me as a very proper and enjoyable person, with
an ode to the pleasures of her garden. I also enjoy my garden, particularly the hedge maze; it is good place to go and do some quiet thinking, as my servants are not permitted in there (save once a month to trim the hedges).

The Fulcrum has
the news that apparently Congress has ceased paying attention to the war in Iraq so that they might devote their time to Professional Baseball. Baseball is a very enjoyable way to spend an afternoon, assuming you can't fire anybody, but it is certainly reasonable to assume that the war in Iraq should take precedent.

Words on a Page has a
very angry post about the death of recent marines in the war in Iraq. I have to say her passion is a bit contagious, particularly when one considers the war she is attacking. It is, by all accounts, an elective and unnecessary war, and it is understandable that people might be upset about the lack of success.

Steve Bates, the Yellow Doggeral Democrat has
a novel way to illustrate the gap between President Bush and reality; suggest that his own children enlist in the army to fight in Iraq. I have to say I agree that this is a fine idea. Possibly Mr. Bush's blase attitude about war came from a lack of service. I sent one of my boys to fight against the Spaniards and it did a world of good for him. I hope President Bush strongly considers this advice.

And that's it for another week. Hope you have a pleasant weekend.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


President Bush just started his five week vacation.

Do you get a five week vacation?

Yeah, me neither.

Oh, and it turns out that, according to Forbes Magazine, you need $300,000.00 a year to lead a comfortable lifestyle. Those jerks over at common dreams didn't link to the original article (possibly it's in the print edition of the magazine) so I can't point it there.

Does it seem like the people who run this country don't really know how most of us live?

Ann Coulter Needs to Calm Down

Hi Everybody! : )

Sorry for the confrontational title, but I think it's merited in this case. Ann Coulter's
latest article confronts Judge Roberts, and, really, she just needs to calm down a little.
Compare that to the principal evidence cited to prove Roberts' conservative bona fides: As a judge, he upheld the arrest of a girl for eating French fries on a subway even though he disagreed with the policy. Well, there's a hot-button issue! (And if he's so conservative, why didn't he call them "freedom fries"?)

Oh yes, and I quote: "He loves his children."

I gather that last boast is supposed to be some sort of signal about his position on abortion. (If he were pro-choice, they would have said, "He loves all of his children who survived gestation.") I don't give a rat's behind whether the guy is pro-life, whether his wife is pro-life, whether he used to be pro-life, whether he will become pro-life, etc. That tells us how he would vote as a state legislator. He isn't being nominated for state legislator.

The relevant question for a prospective justice, and it can be asked properly either by a president or a senator, is: "What, in your view, is the legal force of a Supreme Court opinion?" If Roberts believes that Supreme Court opinions are law of some kind, all is lost.
First of all let me say how silly it is for Ms. Coutler to remind us all of the fuss they made about French Fries! I hope Republicans realize that wasn't one of their finest moments. ; )

But beyond that, why doesn't Ms. Coutler put a little more faith in her President. I didn't vote for him, but Ms. Coutler probably did. If if she did why not trust him. President Bush and his advisors probably asked about this constitutional stuff, and apparently got an answer they liked. So why not just mellow out a little?

I will Debate Extremists

Just read an article by Daniel Pipes on why he won't go on debate programs with what he calls "representatives of radical Islam or the far-left."
. . . today's broadcasts strive toward impartiality. For instance, a memo distributed to Canadian Broadcast Corporation staff cautions against using the words "terrorist" and "terrorism," because these "can leave journalists taking sides in a conflict." The conceit that members of the press have no stake in the outcome of war is terribly wrong; just imagine how television talk shows would be after these same terrorists took over. (They did not flourish under the Taliban, to put it mildly.)

. . . The ideal solution lies not in creating censors' bureaus to pass judgment on television content but for media executives to accept their responsibilities in time of war. On their own initiative, they should exclude the enemy's apologists and advocates. Lively debate does not require such people; patriots with sharply differing views can also make sparks fly.
Interesting argument. He's not asking for de jure censorship, but he's certainly behind de facto censorship.

And, of course, his whole argument hinges on the definition of extremist. Rush Limbaugh once defined a liberal extremist as a "proud Democrat." Is Mr. Pipes willing to go this far? When Pipes says "Patriot" does he mean conservative? This is a fair question; certainly plenty of Conservatives have a hard time imagining a liberal patriot. Unfortunately, Pipes article is pretty short and he chose not to clarify exactly who he is talking about.

Which, of course, may be how he wanted it.

The United States Does Not Need the United Nations

This is the truth that must not be spoken (at least not if you are a liberal Democrat). If there is one thing the war in Iraq has shown conclusively it is that the United Nations serves NO VALID PURPOSE. It's possible that the United Nation's might be useful in certain types of situations, so it's worth maintaining our relationship with it. But we don't need to pretend that it is necessary or vital to America's interests.

President Bush, showing more faith in the United Nations than I have, has actually sent an accomplished diplomat to the United Nations, one who clearly has a correct understanding of it's importance (or lack thereof).

But of course our American liberals, eager for values that don't require respecting the American Heartland and it's religious principles, has invested quite a lot in the United Nations. So they are upset that an 800 pound Gorilla (as Lila Rajiva puts it in a
recent article) is going to start treating the United Nations with the sort of respect it deserves. But, since President Bush out-maneuvered them, they are reduced to name calling.

Just warms the heart, thinking about Bolton at the United Nations and knowing that the Liberals can't do anything about it.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Madness and Comic Books

I'm not, unfortunately, talking about the psychedelic madness that creates a Joker or a Green Goblin. I'm not even talking about the run of the mill madness that lets a Spiderman or a Batman think that dressing up and running along rooftops is a sensible course of action.

Instead I'm talking about the insane worldview that creates "Liberality." Here's a brief description of this new comic book.
In 2004, Muslim terrorists stopped viewing the weakened American government as a threat; instead they set their sites on their true enemies, vocal American conservatives. On one dark day, in 2006, many conservative voices went forever silent at the hands of terrorist assassins. Those which survived joined forces and formed a powerful covert conservative organization called "The Freedom of Information League", aka F.O.I.L.

The efforts of F.O.I.L. threaten both the liberal extremist power structure and the U.N.'s grip on America, the U.N. calls F.O.I.L. the most dangerous group in the world. It seems the once theorized Vast Right Wing Conspiracy has now become a reality.

The F.O.I.L. Organization is forced underground by the "Coulter Laws" of 2007; these hate speech legislations have made right-wing talk shows, and conservative-slanted media, illegal. Our weakened government has willingly handed the reigns of our once great country to the corrupt United Nations. The Department of Political-Correctness is required to assist U.N. monitors to properly edit all print and broadcast media. Live broadcasts are a thing of the past; all transmissions are monitored by the U.N. and any "offensive" material is dumped.

Rupert Murdoch's decision to defy the "Coulter Laws" hate speech legislations, has bankrupted News Corporation. George Soros has bought all of News Corps assets and changed its name to Liberty International Broadcasting. LIB's networks have flourished and circle the globe with a series of satellites beaming liberal & U.N. propaganda worldwide.

The New York City faction of F.O.I.L. is lead by Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North, each uniquely endowed with special abilities devised by a bio mechanical engineer affectionately nicknamed "Oscar". F.O.I.L. is soon to be joined by a young man named Reagan McGee.

Reagan was born on September 11th, 2001. He is the son of a NYC firefighter whose life was spared by attending his son's birth. Reagan has grown to manhood in an ultra-liberal educational system: being told, not asked, what to think. With personal determination, which alienates him from his contemporaries, he has chosen the path less traveled . . . the path to the Right.
What sort of mentality thinks that that is a plausible future? Not a sane one.

I think it's interesting that the "Coulter" laws are going to be passed by 2007 - middle of President Bush's second term. Guess he's an even lamer duck than I thought. Of course it also begs the question of why such laws were created. I assume, given the general tone of the rest of the piece, that the laws were just passed out of sheer meanspiritedness. I would be more realistic if they were passed in the wake of one of Ann's readers shooting up the New York Times or some other "liberal" institution, but I assume that in these writer's minds, the Conservative movement is completely guiltless.

Anyway the United States is headed by Chelsea Clinton with Vice President Michael Moore who welcome Usama Bin Ladin to the United Nations to make a speech and blow the hell out of New York, which I gather our heroes need to stop. That's liberals for you; basically we are ought to betray America to our bestest buddies, the terrorists. If this is what Conservatives seem to believe about Liberals, I'm frankly surprised there isn't more violence directed towards us.

Anyway you can also look at some preview pages here, if you are so inclined.

The Eye of the Beholder

Wal-Mart is a company that fires whistle-blowers, fights unions, discriminates against women and black truck drivers, violates child labor laws, locks its workers in their stores overnight, pays poverty level wages, and so on and so forth. But, apparently, all that is a small price to pay for the chance for small town America to get cheap products, according to an editorial at the New York Times.

See if the owners of Wal-Mart weren't such ruthless bastards, they wouldn't be able to offer the same kind of cheap prices, and people in rural communities (mainly the ones who don't happen to work at Wal-Mart) wouldn't be able to get by as easily.
According to one recent academic study, when Wal-Mart enters a market, prices decrease by 8 percent in rural areas and 5 percent in urban areas. With two-thirds of Wal-Mart stores in rural areas, this means that Wal-Mart saves its consumers something like $16 billion a year. And because Wal-Mart's presence forces the store's competitors to charge lower prices as well, this $16 billion figure understates the company's real impact by at least half.

These kinds of savings to customers far exceed the costs that Wal-Mart supposedly imposes on society by securing subsidies, destroying jobs in competing stores, driving employees toward public welfare systems and creating urban sprawl.
Yep there it is. Wal-Mart has been successful so should be allowed to whatever the hell it wants! You'll forgive me if I don't entirely buy into this line of thinking.

Salon also has an article about Wal-Mart, dealing with the growing anti Wal-Mart movement. It's a good article, although it could have been more tightly edited.

Are you Ready for the Country?

Ben Shapiro takes as his subject for his latest article how city people look down on country people and how terrible city people are.

Truthfully, I think Ben Shapiro is pandering to his new audience in Oklahoma city (he just got a radio show there). He's telling them how great they are and how much better they are than city folk because he knows that's what country folk want to believe. Apparently Mr. Shapiro believes that country folk are insecure about their place in America and so want people to tell them they are special. Everybody likes feeling special.

I don't know though if country people are that insecure though. Surely many of them realize that building yourself up by tearing other people down (the city people) is a poor way to really gain self esteem. Instead of criticizing each other, why not praise each others strengths? Why not acknowledge that city people tend to be more forward looking and tolerant while acknowledging that country people tend to have stronger spiritual and patriotic values?

Just a thought.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Words of Hope

Hi Everybody!! : )

I'm really excited to be able to continue my association with this website. I was a bit concerned with the return of the Monster and the suddent departure of our previous management that I would be fired as well. But, so far at least, I'm still here.

I also wanted to note, in case I had forgotten to earlier, that this weeks quote comes to us from Irwin J. McIckleson. In case you haven't noticed we are rotating quotes - so that I had the qoute two weeks ago (from Margerat Cho), and Grumbly Muffin had last weeks quote (from P.J. O'Rourke. Next week it will be Space Lobster (and I've already told him that it can't be "I will crush Captain Starfaller with my might pincers"), then The Monster, then Bryant, and then back to the start of the lineup.

At any rate, I wanted to point you to this
prayer/opening comments offered at the Network of Spiritual Progressives Congress that Grumbly Muffin mocked last week. I thought it was very inspiring. : )
Therefore, we believe that Martin King was right: The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.

We believe that James Russell Lowell is right: Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne, yet that scaffold sways the future.

We believe that Fannie Lou Hamer was right: We, too, are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

We believe that Gandhi was right: An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

We believe that Abraham Heschel was right: The road to the sacred leads through the secular.

For in the words of John Kennedy: "Here on earth, God's work must truly be our own."
Those words make me feel good, reading them. They talk of an America of possibilities rather then of being limited by our past or our present.

Monday Mail Bag (on Tuesday)

I'm sorry. Taking a Rhythmic Gymnastics Class at the Y and missed my bus so was unable to do my Monday Mail Bag yesterday.

First of all, let's turn to the comments section of one of our posts earlier this week.
Of course, there's no need to analyze why terrorists attack America. They're evil and they hate our freedoms.

This was from some one named Random Goblin. Actually I think there was a Random Goblin who appeared in one of the episodes of Captain Starfaller. I wasn't in that one, I don't think, but he had the power to warp reality? Now that I think about it, I'm surprised we didn't recruit him for the Space Hyenas - seems like that would be a useful power.

Anyway my experience has been that if creatures are evil they generally look evil. Like me I'm a giant space lobster with big pincers. I look as evil as they come. Humans can be evil, at times, but generally have more than one motivation. Still, I'm not sure my experience fits in this situation.

I also got a
second letter from Mr. Ahmed Bello.
I have an urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. A contract employers- Teaser Petroleum Corporation made a numbered time Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at US$12,500,000.00 (Twelve Million Five Hundred United States Dollars) in my bank. Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally discovered from his contract employers, Teaser Petroleum Corporation that MR. ANDREAS SCHRANNER from Munich Germany died in a plane crash along with his entire family in July 2000.

. . . Since we got this information about his death and on further investigation, I found out that he died without making a WILL, and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless. . . . This sum of US$12,500,000.00 is still sitting in my Bank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year. No one will ever come forward to claim it. According to Laws of Senegal, at the expiration of 5 (five) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the Senegalese Government if nobody applies to claim the fund. Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in as the next of kin to Mr. Andreas Schranner so that the fruits of this old man's labour will not get into the hands of some corrupt government officials.
How devious! Yes you know how to push my buttons, Mr. Bello. A chance to steal the astronomical sum of $12,500,000 dollars and thumb my feelers at a legitimate government at the same time? How could I refuse?

I must admit this is not my preferred way of committing crime however. Have you considered using my mighty pincers to crush the safe (along with any security guards and possibly Captain Starfaller)? At any rate, this particular plan is unlikely to succeed, because, as a fictional character, I do not actually have a bank account.

The third letter of the week comes from Mr. Abu Al-Karmel, and it concerns matters in Iraq.
My aim of writing you is to seek for your kindness assistance to allow me quickly transfer the sum of US$15.million dollars, into your account. It will interest you to know how this huge sum amount of funds came about.About two days before the United State and British, bombing began, Saddam Hussein, ordered his youngest son, Qusay, to remove the sum of US$1.billion (£640 million) from the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) The cash which was loaded on to three lorries.

That memorable day Qusay and a senior aide to the former president Saddam Hussein delivered the instruction in person to the bank's governor of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). And the money was removed without proper official documentations. The money was not debited. It was just remove from the foreign reserve vault. This illegal withdrawer created opportunity for our staffs working in the foreign payments department. We hastingly remove from the vault the sum of US$75.million, which we shared among ourselves working in the department, five in number. My share was US$15.million, the deal which was absolutely successfully.

Then,after the fall of Saddam,a Finance Company based in Jordan assisted me to move the fund as a Bond Deposit into Bank in UK.Due to recent probe in our Apex Bank,i decided to leave and i am under cover in SENEGAL -AFRICA

What I needed now is your "TRUST" HONESTY and TRANSPERENCY" since i would want you to receive the money into an account from the U.K Bank.I will also front you in any kind of investment that we might decide to enter later.
I have to say there are a lot of things to like in this letter. I particularly enjoy the total lack ofadherencee to the rules of grammer. Criminals like us should not be bound by the laws of grammer than we should be bound by the laws of the Federated Organizations Of Outer Space (FOOOS). And I applaud your evil in stealing from the poor Iraqis who have been through so much.

I also enjoyed your putting "Trust" in quotation marks. Of course such villains as us cannot trust each other in any real sense. But we can pretend, eh? And such pretensions make life so much easier!

Unfortunately, my lack of a bank account, once again stymies my ability to commit crime. Maybe you should come up with a crime that calls for a Space Lobster and his mighty pincers instead of crimes that involve having bank accounts? Just a suggestion.

And that's it for another week. Remember to send in your letters
here or simply post comments in the posts, and I will respond to them on Mondays!

So goodbye for another week, and remember, "I will crush Captain Starfaller with my mighty pincers!"

Our President and Our Ambassador

Well as you all know, John Bolton has been appointed to Ambassador to the United Nations through a recess appointment. Democrats are already commenting on how weak this makes President Bush look. Well, I don't know if it's weakness to say you are going to do something and then actually do it. That doesn't sound very weak to me.

Cenk Uygur over at
the Huffington Post has another way of dealing with Bolton; simily deny reality!
I live in the largest state in the Union. California, if it stood alone, would be anywhere between the fifth to the seventh largest economy in the world. It is a colossal part of America. Our Senators did not confirm this ambassador. We, the voters of California, did not sanction him. He did not get our advice and consent. He is not our legitimate ambassador to the UN. He does not represent us.

The people that do represent us – our Senators – did not approve him. I sent Senator Boxer and Senator Feinstein to Congress to represent me. They have not assented to this rogue ambassador. Hence, he is not my ambassador.

But it’s not just California. The whole country has been circumvented. You voted for the Senators in your states to represent your interests and they were not allowed to speak for you when the President ignored their advice and consent.
Well if the Senate were actually involved in advising and consenting, Bolton would already be our Ambassador to the United Nations. Instead they seem far more focused on slandering and blocking. So President Bush took a back door approach. It's actually a very courageous move. It will give the United States a chance to see exactly what kind of man Bolton is. If Bolton is the "bully" Liberals claim he is, that will be clearly visible. If Bolton comports himself well and is an effective ambassador, well, the American people will see that as well.

Pay No Attention to the County we Invaded behind the Curtain

David Limbaugh's latest friendly offer of help to the beleaguered Democratic Party is to suggest that we stop paying so much attention to Iraq.
But again, the profound irony is that while they see Iraq as Bush's quagmire, it has become their own. Just as their self-made myths about Republicans stealing the election in 2000 drove them to a Norman Bates-esque frenzy, their delusional "Bush-lied" ravings have driven them to a blinding monomania.

If you doubt their collective neurosis, do a Nexis search and you'll discover their ingenuity at tying every issue -- John Bolton, Social Security, Wilson/Plame, Judge Roberts -- to Iraq. To them, almost everything the administration does is either to compensate for or divert attention from Iraq.
Crazy huh? Thinking that the Joe Wilson / Valerie Plame issue has something to do with Iraq. What are Democrats thinking?

I mean, Joe Wilson got the Bush Administration mad about him because he dared to suggest that their case on Iraq was just a little suspicious (admittedly, Wilson has a bit of baggage of his own).

At any rate, John Bolton was also a member of the Bush Administration foreign policy section while the Invasion of Iraq was planned and executed, so maybe he has a connection as well.

As for the other two, Limbaugh pretends that all sorts of Democrats are saying that President Bush is using Social Security or Judge Roberts to distract away from Iraq, but he only presents one example. And anyway everybody knows that the nomination of Judge Roberts is to distract away from the Wilson/Plame issue, not Iraq!

One final note, Limbaugh writes, apparently sincerely, that President Bush's recess appointment of Bolton is a sign of his strength, not a sign of weakness. Not sure what planet Limbaugh is observing the current political landscape from, but President Bush, with a Republican Congress, could not get Bolton confirmed in the normal matter, so had to use a backdoor maneuver to get him in office. I don't know how that reflects his strength.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Good and Evil

First of all let me welcome Bryant back to Make me a Commentator!!! I'm not sure exactly what "intersting work" means, but I'll take it as a compliment. I'm also think that if he is going to challenge my statements, he should expect to see his statements similarly challenged. And we all know that Liberalism has a hard time standing up to intellectual challenges.

Speaking of which, just finished reading a review of the new show "Over There" being broadcast on F/X. It's a liberal review, of course, and they don't seem to like what they see.
In a TV interviews, Bochco was asked about the “enemy.”

His response: “We are defining the enemy as those individuals who are trying to kill us, who are shooting at us. And we don't put names on them or labels on them. They are just trying to hurt us, and they are the bad guys."

Hollywood has always been about good guys and bad guys, an insight which President Bush appropriated when he named the enemy an “the axis of evil” and said “you are either with us or the terrorists” The war has been sold with this hyped-up master narrative inspired by Hollywood narrative technique.
There is the liberal mindset in a nutshell. Enemy terrorists using indiscriminate bombs to BLOW UP innocent Iraqis and American Soldiers shouldn't be seen as "bad guys." They should be nurtured and understood. Doubtless this reviewer would be much more enthusiastic about a variation on this program shot from the point of view of an Iraqi Insurgent fighting against the odds against the imperialist American Army!

The Secularization of America

Well, I'm back. I naturally want to thank the Monster for giving me a new lease on this website. I'd also like to acknowledge that Grumbly Muffin and Cheery Jetson have done some interesting work while I was gone.

I will comment that the previous format did not allow commentators to challenge each other; The Monster has already suggested that that was a silly policy, and he is encouraging us to swing into each other at will. So Grumbly Muffin may find her statements falling under a bit more scrutiny.

At any rate, just read Chuck Colson's latest article. On the surface I agree with a lot of what he says. He talks about how the rise of Ideology has made political debate more and more difficult. People do not have an independent standard of truth; they judge facts based on their ideology. Which is why one group sees a decorated war hero; the other sees a vainglorious coward.

That said, his answer to the problem seems to be for everybody to accept his standard as truth. Which is, at the very least, overly convenient. Specifically he is referring to the Christian Faith. I wonder if his understanding of the Christian faith is large enough to encompass the Christian who believes that it is the governments duty to take care of the poorest among us and the Christian who believes that it is unjust for the Government to take from the Wealthy to give to the Poor? But even at that, it does leave hundreds of thousands of non Christians with no seat at the American table.

Why not just have rigorous standards of truth, and live up to those? I mean I know it's a radical idea, but why not figure out what the truth is in situations and make people hold to that. That will still leave plenty of room for disagreements and arguments, I should think.


Greetings! I am The Monster!!!! I now rule this website!

The previous owners they be no truth tellers. They tell not-truths. They change monsters words! Monster send letter on the issue of Bryants phony pictures, and old owners change monsters words. Here's what they said.
Hello this be the monster. Monster understand that there be some confusion as to the timing of some of the pictures taken during Monsters Trip. Monster want to say monster not aware of any wrong doing. Monster had some test pictures taken at scripps college the night before the tour. Monster never imagined that one of these pictures would be used in the final story. Monster shocked and saddened that such a mistake was made, but monster places the blame on Bryant. Surely the management of Make me a Commentator would never make such a mistake. Monster think such a mistake could only come from Bryant.

Monster apologize for his role in this terrible incident. Monster taking sabbatical to think about situation.
That not be what monster said. They change middle part. This be what monster said!
Hello this be the monster. Monster understand that there be some confusion as to the timing of some of the pictures taken during Monsters Trip. Monster want to say monster not aware of any wrong doing. Monster had some test pictures taken at scripps college the night before the tour. Monster never imagined that one of these pictures would be used in the final story. Monster shocked and saddened that such a mistake was made, but Monster think Make me a Commentator management a bunch of dunderheads who make trouble rather than find solution.

Monster taking sabbatical to think about situation.
After talking with the previous managers and showing them the error of their ways, they decide they no want website anymore. They decide to take long long vacation in Aruba! Monster agree! Monster now new manager of this website.

Monster change name for one week to teach lesson. To Monster be Commentator!!! Monster decide no fire anybody, but give Bryant his job back. Monster rule this website now! Send any questions to this e-mail address and Space Lobster will read them!


Sunday, July 31, 2005

New Format

Hi everybody!!! : )

I'm so excited!!! There are big changes afoot, but I'm not allowed to tell you anything about them. For the moment let me say that we are entering a new era in Make Me a Commentator History. As you can see we have redone the look of the blog. We have also finally updated the Quotes Page.

Also you will note we all finally filled out our Blogger Profiles over there on the left. You will see there are now six of us (hint! hint! ;-)) including the Monster. Anyway I think we are going to make the big announcement tomorrow so get ready for that! : )))