Saturday, November 27, 2004

Your Weekly Rush: If I Wrote a History Book

Rush Limbaugh is thinking about writing a history book for kids. But as he explains that isn't the real problem. The real problem is the text books. They are all liberal!
I said yesterday that what needs to happen now with this great victory here and this alignment of political parties, conservatism needs to constantly be referenced and taught. Take the opportunity here to realign the country ideologically as well. It's a long-term project and part of it is wresting control back of the public school system from the left.
Teaching the History the Rush Limbaugh way is simple. All you do is ignore any historical fact that conflicts with conservatism. Any historical fact that conflicts with conservatism is to be expunged from the record.

Take for example Civil Rights. You will teach that the party that opposed integration was the Democratic party. You will teach that the Civil Rights bills passed because of Republican Votes. You will not teach that those who opposed integration and supported segregation made a beeline for the Republican Party. You will not teach that the civil rights movements was spearheaded by liberals. Simple, right?

Because the purpose of schools isn't to pass on correct and complete knowledge, but to pass on ideology. Conservative ideology.

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