Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Anarchy Now! (please)

I really am having a hard time finding anything to write on this morning. I've been looking I assure you. But nothing sparks my interest.

Listening to old time radio shows more lately. Particularly the Goon Show out of the UK and Broadway is my Beat, the most lyrical cop show ever.

Broadway is my Beat starred Detective Danny Clover, who solved crimes with the help of Sergeant Muggavan (the serious one) and Sergeant Gino Tartaglia (the ethnic comedy relief, in this case, Italian comedy relief). Poor Detective Clover lives in a relentlessly dark and oppressive world, but he also has the soul of a poet. The episodes were filled with impressively poetic monologues, which sound even more poetic coming out of Larry Thor. Here's one show opener.
In the sunlight of an October morning, Broadway stands on its street corner and breaths deep of the autumn filtered air, presses out of its lungs the taste of the night past. This is the time of the day when neon is silent, spectaculars doze. The shadows have not yet found their final shapes, and the pavement is flecked with glints of sun fragments. Doorways are opened on the October day and the night dreams are swept into the gutters. It's the time of the coffee and cakes, and break from the starting gate. And the odds? Even up, you never come in.

And where I was the sunlight filtered through Italian damask, swiftly caressed Grecian fragments; a torso in black marble, a head in stone, clocked with antiquity. A glass case with golden coins, hermetically sealed against corrosions and desire. And impervious to it all, the man who leans fastidiously against a Grecian column, then lifted his glass of champagne, silently toasted the bust of Plato. Then let the realization flow over him that a policeman was there, among his treasures.
A very interesting radio program. You can listen to one episode here.

Anyway hopefully I'll get more inspired later.

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