Monday, November 01, 2004

Young Ben Finds his Idol

Yes Young Ben Shapiro in his latest article has found a new idol to idealize. This is kind of like that one Brady Bunch where Bobby idealized Jesse James. Young Ben's hero is Ann Coulter, and he writes an entire column as a paen to her and her wonderful new book (which must be just flying off the shelf with an endorsement like this).

I suppose it's not much of a surprise that Ben has selected Ann Coulter as his hero. I mean this is the guy who wrote, "Maybe I'm a hard-hearted guy, but when I see in the newspapers that civilians in Afghanistan or the West Bank were killed by American or Israeli troops, I don't really care." Like Ann Coulter, Ben has only a tangential relationship to the truth, as his powers of precognition demonstrate. And, like Ann, he knows how to craft a compelling metaphor.

So look for more brilliant additions to the national discourse. Or as young Ben puts it, "So make sure to buy two copies, one for you, and one for a lefty friend. Will liberals hate this book? You betcha. But that's the point. You aren't winning the argument unless you can see the steam spurting from their ears."

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