Thursday, November 04, 2004

Talking W Blues

I hinted at some big changes in previous posts. Well, I've decided long term this site will remain Make Me a Commentator!!! And we will continue to focus our laser like focus on conservative rhetoric. It's proven such a fertile field of study, and I don't get the impression that having won an election, conservative pundits (like Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh) are going to get any smarter.

On the other hand, reading their articles over the next week or so is really going to make me full of anger. I mean more full of anger than normal. So I'm not going to do that. If you want to read gloating Republicans there's the Townhall link over there on the right. Just interject me saying "What a moron" every few sentences and it will be just like the real thing.

So I'm going to focus elsewhere, for at least a week and a half. Next week will be a special edition of this website with a very special name for one week. So far the top contender is "Stupid-Enough Unexplanation," if you would like to join in the fun, post your suggestion for a name for this blog in the comments section below. One lucky winner will get the privilege of having the blog named after his or her suggestion for a week. And who knows, the winner could be me!

I mean you. You could name the blog. Not me.

And Sunday the 14th we will resume our regular programming format.

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