Friday, November 12, 2004

Round the Horn Part M, In Which We Learn that the Martian Invaders are just a Metaphor and therefore Doubly Dangerous

And here we go.

And Then . . . has a piece on the type of candidate we apparently need to run next time to even have a chance of winning.

blogAmy had a treatise on intellectual diversity. The common Republican wisdom is that our diversity makes us weak; that may not necessarily be the case.

Chris "Lefty" Brown has a think-piece on the term Christian and whether it applies to him.

Collective Sigh has an account of grand-fatherly service in remembrance of Veteran's Day.

Mercury X23 has some extremely big news, for which we congratulate him profusely.

Rooks Rant has some thoughts on redoing the electoral college.

Steve Gilliard's News Blog has an article on who Bush is pushing for the new head of the RNC and his sexual orientation (or lack thereof). I'm not sure I buy the argument, but it's worth considering.

Words on a Page has a section on how we can get past this election and cheer up.

Yellow Doggeral Democrat has a discussion of the current round of "Fuck the South" posts going around.

Scrutiny Hooligans takes stock of the landscape in the wake of President Bush's reelection and the nominee of Alberto Gonzelez to the Attorney General.

And that's it for this week. Come back later when I may or may not post.

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