Tuesday, November 02, 2004

If You Have to Ask

Suzanne Fields latest contains this well repeated mantra. "Beyond the frothing-at-the-mouth Bush haters, voters generally find this president to be a likeable guy and John Kerry to be a cold fish. It's possible that personality will determine the winner this time, too."

How nice. Beyond all the boring issues and dull statistics, the President is the one most Americans would like to hang out with. How comforting. And of course that half of the nation that will vote for John Kerry? Please clean the spittle from your mouths. After all, President Bush is more likeable, so why shouldn't he be President?

Banal banal banal banal banal banal.

I just can't say it enough. Is it really that hard to look at the issues, my fellow countrymen? And what does it say about Ms. Fields that this is what she is pushing?

In other news Scrutiny Hooligans, recent joinee of the Liberal Coalition, has this very inspiring post.

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