Wednesday, September 15, 2004

An Update

Early in the week we reported and had guest commentary on the plight of Ms. Lynne Gobbell who was fired for having a John Kerry bumper-sticker on her car. Well it appears that Ms. Gobbell has a new job; she's a campaign worker for Mr. John Kerry.

I contacted Mr. Irwin J. McIckleson, a made up 1910's plutocrat, to see if he had any commentary on this new development. He was in busy supervising the construction of the worlds tallest solid gold garden gnome, but he consented to say a few words.
I feared something like this might happen. Now Ms. Gobbell and other employees like her will have the deluded impression that they should she be treated with kindness and decency. This Mr. Kerry is upsetting the natural order of society, which I discussed at length earlier in the week. Ms. Gobbell should have gone hungry and been forced to sell apples dressed in a potato sack! That is the proper fate of a disrespectful employee who dares to disagree with her employer. I don't think Mr. Kerry will be getting my vote this year, or any other year he happens to run for something.
Mr. McIckleson, being a made up character with no basis in reality, does not get to vote anyway. In other news if you would like to lend Ms. Gobbell a hand, please visit this site and donate.

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