Monday, September 20, 2004

CBS, Rush Limbaugh, and The Way it Goes

CBS has admitted that they now believe the memos to be forgeries. So today's a good day to be Rush Limbaugh. Was listening to him at lunch as I drove around, and he was practically gleeful as he, more or less, called for CBS news to shut down, and for Dan Rather to resign in disgrace.

And of course saying as often as possible that it's likely these forged documents came from the Kerry Campaign. If he's right than the campaign is probably over.

Which is kind of sad when you think about it. I mean the central issue, whether or not President Bush actually fulfilled his duty in the guard, is still unresolved. And, as many have noted, it's a distraction from the real issues of this campaign.

Personally I don't think that the documents came from the Kerry campaign because that would just be too stupid a move to make. But I can't be 100% sure; after all this swift boat veteran story has riled a lot of people up, including some in the campaign I would guess. It's hard to listen to the media parrot such patently false charges and not want to strike back. Particularly if you believe President Kerry served honorably and nobly in Vietnam, and President Bush ducked the war. So it is possible that a Democratic operative passed on the memos. But I doubt it, and I hope not.

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