Saturday, September 25, 2004

Coulter Fails to disappoint

I can see now why Coulter's earlier efforts lacked that necessary insane pizazz. She was saving it up for this statement on Hannity and Colmes. Upon hearing that more women were planning to vote for President Bush, she commented, "I'm so pleased with my gender. We're not that bright." Just goes to show, when it comes to mean-spirited insanity, Ann Coulter is still as good as it gets.

Ann Coulter than opined that "women, though they're not as bright, don't want to die any more than men."

What amazes me is that the RNC haven't used Ann more. Wouldn't you like to see Ann's unique perspective on womanhood in a larger audience? I think that if he wins reelection, President Bush should make Ann Coulter his press secretary. Not because it would be useful or anything, but just because I'd never run out of material.

By the way, it is the editorial opinion of Make Me a Commentator!!! that women (with certain notable exceptions) are smarter then men.

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