Monday, September 20, 2004

Another Sighting

Yep, William Saffire also uses the meme "Iraqi Insurgents are Killing American Troops to Persuade voters to vote for Senator Kerry" in his latest article. In it he puts himself in the mind of Senator Kerry, using previously unseen psychic powers. Speaking as the mind of John Kerry, he says the following.
Above all, win back the women who used to be with the Democrats. Bush has them believing that the fighting in Iraq is for the security of their families. Too many women can't get it through their heads that Iraq is just a distraction from the global terror war. And Bush's pitch about "better fighting over there than here" - tying Iraq to Al Qaeda - closes what used to be our huge gender gap. So I have to move on to "while he's spinning, we're losing" - and never mind that it makes me dependent on escalation by Zarqawi and pessimism from C.I.A. flip-floppers who were wrong before but who now want jobs in my administration.
So rememember every time you see an American Casuality . . . oh wait a second you aren't allowed to see those. Every time you hear of an American Casuality, don't think, "I wonder if President Bush's plan for Iraq is really working all that well." Instead, if you would, please think, "There's another soldier, killed by Iraqi dogs, on behalf of John Kerry's electoral hopes."

Media Matters has another example of this meme from William Krondacke, one of FOX's Beltway Boys, and CNN had Bill Shneider of the American Enterprise Institute on, and he made the similar claim that terrorists are hoping to use terror to affect the election in November. But that might be old news; what's new is linking it to the Iraqi resistance.

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