Thursday, September 02, 2004

Let's Pretend!

Since America is like a 10 year old child, I suppose it's a good idea to join Vice President Cheney in a fun little game of let's pretend. Won't that be fun? Let's all put our pretending hats on and consider these words from our Vice President.

Even in this post-9/11 period, Senator Kerry doesn't appear to understand how the world has changed. He talks about leading a "more sensitive war on terror," as though Al Qaeda will be impressed with our softer side.
The Vice President doesn't mess around, does he? Right off the bat he gives us something especially hard to pretend. But there's no point in pretending things that are true, I suppose. So for the moment pretend that Senator Kerry wasn't talking about being sensitive to possible terrorist threats or to the opinions and intelligence of our allies. Oh and you'd best forget that the President has talked several times of waging a sensitive war. Instead, let's pretend that Senator Kerry is a big sensitive crying person who wants to invite all the terrorists over for cookies and punch.

I know that's a hard thing to pretend, but it's good practice. Anyway here's something else that the Vice President would like us to pretend.

Senator Kerry also takes a different view when it comes to supporting our military. Although he voted to authorize force against Saddam Hussein, he then decided he was opposed to the war, and voted against funding for our men and women in the field.
This is a little easier. All you have to do is forget that the President threatened to veto the very same bill if he didn't get it the way he wanted it. And of course forget that the bill was passing by a wide margin when Senator Kerry cast his vote.

Senator Kerry says he sees two Americas.
Oh this is easier still. All you have to do is pretend that Senator Kerry is Senator Edwards.

But still I'm tired of pretending. I think that first pretending, about the "sensitive" war has tired me out terribly. But remember all you Americans, that your Vice President would you like you to continue pretending, at least until November.

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