Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Aldrich's Phony Evidence

Here's how Gary Aldrich starts his latest article.
The most important fact to remember about Hard-Left Liberals is that, for them, truth is relative - a mere tool to be used to garner any advantage over a political foe.
So that's good to know.

Of course, Mr. Aldrich claims he saw Mr. and Ms. Clinton decorating a White House Christmas Tree with condoms and drug paraphenlia (presumably not one out in the visitors area). So I'm inclined to take what he says with a grain of salt anyway.

At any rate he covers both the supposedly forged memos that 60 Minutes II used on their broadcast, and the old timey suggestion that Kerry was taking his orders from Moscow.

I haven't really covered "Memo-Gate" but the story is everywhere, particularly as it turns out 1 in 3 bloggers is an expert in fonts and typewriters from the 1970s. As I'm not a specialist in that particular field, I will defer to those who are (or those who at least have done a little research on the subject).

I would like to comment that Aldrich laying this on Kerry's head, particularly in the title of his article, Kerry's phony Evidence, is pretty well completely unsupported. Except of course by the old theory that all liberals are part of the international communist conspiracy and thus it's clear that Kerry and the guy who passed on this evidence are both taking orders from Leader X.

Which, of course, brings us to Aldrich's contention against Senator Kerry.
On my desk are copies of FBI documents - not forgeries - that label Kerry's group, Vietnam Veterans Against the War or VVAW, as the national security risk that it really was.

The title of these documents is "New Left - IS." To FBI agents serving at that time, we knew this to mean that a pro-Communist group known as "The New Left" was considered an internal security threat to this nation. The New Left was known to have adopted a Marxist ideology, and Senator John Kerry was a leader of this group.

The FBI no longer uses the label "IS." They have converted all such investigations to a more accurate name: Domestic Terrorism.
Oh my gosh! Senator Kerry was Domestic Terrorist and now he wants to be President? Well let's review what horrendous acts of terrorism Kerry committed.

He spoke out against the Vietnam War. He threw his ribbons. He attended a rally with Jane Fonda (they weren't the speakers, but were at the rally at the same time). Anything else? I can't think of anything. It was a lot easier to get labeled a "domestic terrorist" back in the 1960s and early 1970s because of the valiant work of J. Edgar Hoover and President Nixon to label everybody to the left of Atilla the Hun a communist sympathizer.

He ends with the standard phony-baloney charge that Kerry release his files. This is phony because Kerry has, in fact, released his files. But since those files didn't contain his weekly telegrams to Moscow, Aldrich is still digging.

Oh, and in case you are wondering who Mr. Aldrich considers a hard-left liberal, I have to conclude that it's any Democrat who's not Zell Miller.

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