Monday, August 09, 2004

Three Days of Bush Bashing

Yep. I am out of town Thursday and Friday or this would be longer, but as it is we have three days of Bashing Bush ahead of it.

But before the merriment starts let's be clear on what I mean by Bush Bashing. I mean criticizing the President. To Bash Bush is to criticize him. You might think that there is some necessary threshold of criticism one needs to reach before it really becomes Bush Bashing; but you'd be wrong. Any criticism of President Bush no matter how minor is Bashing Bush.

Also for the benefit of those who have not been following American Political Discourse, I am also a Bush Hater. A Bush Hater, this year, is someone who does not want President Bush to win reelection. In other years it was someone who did not agree with President Bush's agenda.

It might seem like these terms are somewhat weighted against Democrats; as who wants to be described as a Basher or a Hater? But that is the dialogue in America. One nice thing about living in America as a Liberal is that we, apparently, completely control the discourse in America. Conservatives complain all the time about our stranglehold on the media, and this is just one more evidence of it. I am sure if Republicans controlled the national discourse, they would apply much gentler term those who disagree with the President.

But now that we have our terms clarified, allow me to repeat that you have three days of Bush Bashing ahead of you. On the first day I will cover President Bush's character. On the second day I will discuss his domestic agenda and on the third day I will cover his foreign policy accomplishments.

Some of you, no doubt, are already upset at the partisan tone I'm taking. That's fine; and I'll understand if you decided to check out for a few days. But there is a very important election coming up. And there are few actions you might take more partisan than voting. I hope you are all going to do that, and I want to present information and analysis on President Bush to make your decision easier in November.

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