Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Heads I Win Tails You Lose

What's the Swift Boat Veterans story really about? Scott Rosenberg over at his blog at Salon.com presents an interesting view. It might be more about Senator Kerry's response than about the actual charges.

Facts are nearly irrelevant here; this is about punching John Kerry and seeing whether he punches back, and how hard. If he fails to punch back, he's exposed as a sissy who's not tough enough to defend America. If he does fight back, the Bushies simply point at him -- as they have already begun to -- and claim that he's lost it, he's "wild-eyed" and unreliable and unfit to be president.
Tough needle to thread, but Mr. Rosenberg prescription makes sense to me too. Challenge the President directly on the legitimacy of these accusations, of these attacks.

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