Monday, August 16, 2004

The Axis of Nuance

Once thing about the Axis of Evil is the complete lack of nuance. As we are learning from the campaign, nuance is bad. It's evil, really. Only monsters like Democrats and John Kerry understand nuance. I mean we have wars on Drugs and Terrorism; when are we going to get the desperately needed War on Nuance?

Take Iran for example. If ever there was a hotbed of nuance. For example, did you know that many Iranians are happy that we took over Iraq? After all there was a long war between Iran and Iraq and the Iraqis killed thousands of Iranians. So Iranians hope that we can exercise some kind of control over the Iraqis. Isn't that confusing? Evil Nuance.

Also it turns out that there are large groups of Iranians who would like to see a more Democratic system of government. And yet these very same Iranians would not like to see the United States invade and impose Democracy. They would rather see Iran evolve away from theocracy, which is less likely with America standing over the Ayatollah's shoulder saying, "Change or Die!"

It's almost like many Iranians don't much care for their leaders and yet don't like the idea of their leaders being pushed around by us. The fiendish nuance appears in every corner of Iran.

Anyway if you want to read an article just filled with this diabolical nuance, check out this one in today's New York Times. I look forward to a day when we can rid the world of nuance.

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