Friday, August 20, 2004

Round the Horn Part 999.49 Baseball!!!

It's time for Round the Horn, our weekly round up of articles by other members of the Liberal Coalition.

First up is a powerhouse of a hitter, Happy Furry Puppy Story Time with a great post on two deservedly celebrated composers. Also, last week, I inadvertently missed the link when I was doing my round up, so here is the link to that great story on Terrorists influencing Elections.

Batting second, Gamer's Nook has a very interesting piece on a scientific experiment in Austria involving Teleportation.

Third to the plate we have All Facts and Opinion with thoughts of the late and missed Jerry Garcia.

And batting clean up we have mighty Left is Right, putting the ball in the bleachers with a great story on one of many over-the-top attacks on Senator Kerry.

Now stepping to the plate in the fifth position on the line up is Chris "Lefty" Brown's Corner telling the sad, but true, story of Fresno, a town that could use a hand.

Batting at the number six position is Mercury X23's Fantabulous Blog, who belts a story to deep left field on the ever popular subject of Nazi Comparisons.

Heading the plate is . . . And Then with an interesting read on the recent rulings on File Sharing. I don't 100% agree with her analysis, but it is worth thinking about.

Standing in the Batters box in position eight is Kick the Leftist, and with a mighty remembrance of conventions past, he paints the ball into the bleachers.

Finally in the ninth position we have Sooner Thought with a good post on Zell Miller, a Republican's favorite Democrat.

Oh, and you probably already know this, but my use of baseball terminology shouldn't be assumed to add or diminish from any of these stories; in my mind they are all great, just used the baseball terminology because I like to mix things up a little.

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