Friday, August 06, 2004

I am thinking about having my Spine removed

Yesterday I posted a bit on a gaffe by President Bush, a post for which I have received a certain amount of criticism. Apparently pointing out Presidential Gaffes is symbolic of the evil partisanship that has engulfed our society. I, in fact, have noticed this partisanship, and I find it rather distressing. One solution is to become a spineless Democrat, an Alan Colmes Democrat, a weakling Democrat. On the surface this would seem to be an ideal solution, and removing my spine would make it a lot easier to hide behind my water heater.

But doubts remain.

For I've also noticed that Ann Coulter gives a blanket label of Traitor to Liberals. I've noticed that Rush Limbaugh describes liberalism as a psychosis. I've noticed that Dennis Prager insinuated that Liberals are comfortable with child molestation. I've noticed many other examples just as mean spirited.

You might say something like, "Hey does Rush Limbaugh represent the views of the White House?" The answer is that he does. Vice President Cheney and other administration officials have appeared on his show, where he has fawned over them. The Bush Administration has never criticized Rush, not even when he compared the abuse at Abu Ghraib (abuse that led to the deaths of a few involved) to a fraternity hazing.

Also to underline a point, I don't know any liberal with a voice equal to Ann Coulter's who hates conservatives the way she hates liberals. I'm not disappointed in that; rather I'm proud of "my" side for not stooping that level.

We have a war of words going on right now. The conservatives are bringing rhetorical mustard gas and howitzers; I have a pen knife and even that is too much of an advantage.

I'm sorry if you don't like the way I do things; but I can't please everybody. And given that I can't please everybody, I'll settle for pleasing myself.

I guess I'll keep my spine after all.

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