Wednesday, August 04, 2004


Talking Points Memo is a great website; well written and put together. Today Mr. Marshall (who writes the blog) has a bit on the race in Illinois against Barack Obama for the United States Senate. Apparently the Republicans are considering running either Andrea Barthwell or Alan Keyes.

Andrea Barthwell has a few drawbacks, in particular there is an embarrassing Memo out there. According to the Associated Press, "In front of her staff, Andrea Grubb Barthwell made repeated comments about the sexual orientation of a staff member and used a kaleidoscope to make sexually offensive gestures . . ." I don't know why, but that little bit of bizarrity is to take this rather pathetic story and make it something more.

As for Alan Keyes, Mr. Marshall seems to prefer him (as do I). And according to Mr. Keye's website, he "[i]s capable of leading our country to widespread moral and political renewal, once all of America has a chance to see and hear, first-hand, his self-evident brilliance." So that's something to look forward to. Still, I was suitably impressed by Obama's performance at the Democratic National Committee to favor his election (which seems pretty certain at this point).

Heh heh heh . . . Kaleidoscope . . . heh heh heh.

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