Monday, August 09, 2004

She Don't Lie, She Don't Lie, She Don't Lie

Incidently, I am relaxing a bit my rule about always typing President Bush, rather than just Bush. I'll continue to do my best, because I still have respect for the office, but if I miss a few, I'm not going to shed any tears.

For those who don't know President Bush has been accused of abusing Cocaine in his "lost years." Here's a This Modern World Cartoon that gives the salient details as to why we might suspect that this is true.

I'm not very interested in the moral issue of whether or not President Bush did Drugs. What matters to me is that, if this did happen, and as nothing has been conclusively proven, than it is another example of him getting into a bad situation, and that situation having little to no long term consequences.

Edited to add; for those who want additional info on Mr. Tomorrow's charges, here's a story from the 2000 election.

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