Tuesday, March 18, 2003

A New Era in Repressive Crackdowns is Possible

I am particularly pessimistic this week. The day the war starts--which will be tomorrow night I guess, there are plans to have rallys and non-Violent Civil Disobedience. Some are already talking about taking it to the next level, which would include vandalism, and possibly Sabotage. I don't think anybody who reads this blog would be considering such an act, but if you are, please slap yourself for me.

The threat however is serious enough that David Horowitz (formerly a radical Leftist himself) is encouraging the FBI to go after all potential Sabotaurs. Horowitz also complains that protests on the day the ground war starts (Saturday maybe?) will tie up police forces that could be used to fight terrorists.

He states, "Congress should also look to reactivating sedition laws that would meet the threat posed by the deadly seriousness of the anti-American Fifth Column. These activists are not playing games. They have dedicated their lives to the service of Communist regimes and anti-American causes. They are the fruit of more than thirty years of leftist attacks on this country. Now the international terrorists have provided them with their dream: the war has finally come home."

This is just what America needs, a wake up call. America needs to realize that the government should be allowed to do whatever it wants without the interference of the people. Clamping down on the free speech rights of those who would protest this war is necessary. And we can trust President Bush and his cronys to use the power to silence their political enemies correctly.

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