Sunday, March 16, 2003

All Gone to look for America

Kind of feeling conflicted thougths tonight. Watched the protests yesterday (if you want to watch them, check out C-SPAN). They didn't make a lot of sense, I'm afraid. Heard one protester stating that America should abandon war forever. There's a good policy. Heard another guy denying that Jews have no right to return to the Land of Isreal--apparently the Jews should leave and give the land back to the Palestinian. Another sound and easily implemented policy.

Lots of attacks on George W. Bush and Tony Blair. Some on Ariel Sharon as well. Not very many on Saddam Hussein.

Then I read David Limbaugh's article today.

Limbaugh states, "Defending one's right to protest is celebrating America's freedoms. But the act of dissing America while exercising those freedoms is not pro-American." Dissing America? What is America, Mr. Limbaugh?

Is it President George W. Bush? Is it his policies? If one opposes George W. Bush, is one opposing America?

So I find myself defending the patriotism of people I find foolish. I do believe that there is a solid case against the war. I just wish people would make it.

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